Elizabeth L. Ogburn (Betsy)

I am Professor of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University. I am also senior fellow of the Good Science Project, affiliated faculty of the SNF Agora Center and UPenn Center for Causal Inference, and member of the Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering and Science. I work on causal inference, including interference and social networks, measurement error, semiparametric estimation, instrumental variables methods, and mediation analysis. Currently my main areas of research are unmeasured confounding and settings with statistical dependence. I completed my Ph.D. in Biostatistics at Harvard University. I was a 2016 National Academy of Science Kavli Fellow and 2022 winner of the COPSS Emerging Leader Award.
I am a member of the JHU causal inference working group; to sign up for our email list click here.
I am a member of the JHU causal inference working group; to sign up for our email list click here.